Memories Are Made Of….Candy


Back when I was a kid when the dinosaurs still roamed the earth and we all wore Saber Tooth Tiger skins for clothing I used to love to go to the store and buy candy. Lots and lots of candy. It was fairly inexpensive then (we are so NOT getting into the “it’s all relative because people made less money” theory) and there were varieties that are either extinct (like those Saber Tooth Tigers) now or very difficult to find unless one wants to spend 3k online for a 5 ounce box of candy. One of the ones that I loved then and still adore that has made a comeback in recent years is Lemonheads. Little yellow balls of sugar that had a wonderful sweet tart flavor. Not like what they call sour candy today where if you eat it, you literally burn off your taste buds. I prefer to save my taste bud burning for curry thank you very much.

There was a method for eating Lemonheads. You had to nibble off the sour waxy outside coating and then suck on the little sugar ball inside until it was gone. My husband of course, who also has fond memories of Lemonheads, didn’t do this. He needs to be flogged. With a Fifth Avenue bar (which was my dads favorite and which he would eat 6 in a row of even after being diagnosed with Diabetes lol) or a Nerd Rope. I’m pretty sure he broke multiple laws when he just tossed them in his mouth and chewed. But then this is the same man who is shameful enough to eat a Ho-Ho by… *GASP*… biting into it, not eating off all of the outside coating, unrolling it, licking off the filling then eating the cake. I have said before, I love him in spite of his obvious flaws, but he makes it hard at times like that.

That sweet tart flavor of Lemonheads is always something I am trying to recreate but not in candy form because I am old (see Saber Tooth Tiger reference above) and my poor aged teeth can’t handle it. I will get into a “take care of your teeth” lecture at a later date. I originally got this recipe from a Yahoo group back in 2003. I’ve seen it many places since then claiming to be theirs, but rest assured, it isn’t. This has been around for quite awhile.  But being me, I had to change it. I said once that I think there is a chromosome that lets one follow recipes (or rules in general) and I am missing it.  I think it turned out awesome and the taste is reminiscent of those much loved candies. So here you go. Enjoy. But promise me that you’ll go floss after you eat half a pan of these.

Creamy Lemon Crumb Squares

  1. 1 1/3 cup all purpose flour
  2. 1/2 teaspoon salt
  3. 1 teaspoon baking powder
  4. 1 stick (1/2 cup) butter, softened
  5. 1 cup brown sugar
  6. 1 cup oats
  7. 2 cans sweetened condensed milk
  8. 1/2 cup lemon juice
  9. 1/2 cup lime juice
  10. zest of one lemon
  11. zest of one lime
  12. 1 teaspoon of lemon extract
  • Preheat oven to 350
  • Mix butter and sugar until well combined.
  • Mix together flour, salt and baking powder
  • Add oats and flour mixture to the butter/sugar mixture.
  • Press half of the crumbs (it actually took me a bit more because I used a 13×9 inch pan) onto the bottom of a 13×9 inch pan.
  • Mix together the sweetened condensed milk, lemon and lime juices, lemon and lime zest and lemon extract. Spread onto the oatmeal crust. Sprinkle the reserved crumbs evenly over the lemon filling.
  • Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown. Cool for about 30 minutes then cut into squares but don’t take them out of the pan yet. They will dissolve into a pile of goo. Trust me. 😛 Put them in the fridge overnight THEN take them out of the pan. They will come out very easily if you do that.
  • Eat half a dozen. Floss. Eat more. Get out the Anbesol.

*Gives you the “mom look”* Have you flossed yet?

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50 thoughts on “Memories Are Made Of….Candy

  1. Ya know, I have a friend who likes lemon cake and I’ll just bet that I can turn her into a gooey puddle on the floor with this… .

  2. That’s how I eat Lemonheads, it’s the only way! I also suck on Mike N’ Ikes until the fruit part is gone, then bite the gummy part into tiny bits and swallow them whole (I don’t like sticky stuff in my teeth).

    Also, I love lemon desserts. I often choose them over chocolate actually. These look awesome 🙂

    • Bee, they are awesome. I have used Pioneer Womans recipes many times as a guideline (since Lord knows I can’t make a recipe the way it is written lol) and they are always fantastic

  3. Haven’t heard of Lemonheads in years. They’re right up there with Charleston Chews, Button Candy, Mallow Cups and Stage Planks. Old School candy all the way. All the way to the dentist!!!! I could easily eat a half pan of those, floss and then go back for more.

    • Oh yeah! the old school candy was the best. Not to mention, even using inflation as a guideline it wasn’t nearly as expensive.

    • Thanks so much Maggie! I went in there to look for some good recipes and almost died of shock when two of my posts were in there.

  4. yummm, i love lemon bars but chuck lime in there too and im sure that they are taken to a whole new level! congrats for being in the foodbuzz top 9, well deserved 🙂

  5. This sounds so good – and just the right touch of lemon that I need for my bake sale! Will definitely be keeping this one in mind for this Saturday =)

  6. I have been intermittenly drooling and emailing this ridiculous(gonna need some privacy) recipe to all in my sister circle..!! really..Thanks for the extra pounds this summer..!! I love it..!! But as one of the other posters noted.. The lemon juice is only a half lemons worth..?

    • Sophia, so far I haven’t been able to find a print option I like so the best I have is for you to be able to just copy, highlight and do a print selection

  7. I love these! these were a very popular Easter treat when I was a kid. Reminds me of family events, my mom and grandmother. I’ve made them many times to bring to holiday gatherings and they are always a big hit.

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