This Is Not Another Muffin Post


Ok, I lied. Yes it is. Blame the people who follow my facebook page. I had a muffin idea in mind and asked there if they would revolt were I to post another muffin recipe and they got all excited about one more. So you can see that it’s all their fault right?? Yes… you and you and you. I’m looking your way! They forced me!!! They really did!!! I could have said no and posted sayyyyy… a liver recipe but then I would have felt horribly guilty and probably would have been turned off of cooking for weeks as I sat in bed and read cheap romance novels and ate Cheetos and Twinkies. Wait, I do that anyway. Ummm… I would have eaten ho hos as a change. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Then I would have gotten queasy and felt worse for over eating and it all would have led to it being weeks… nay, MONTHS before I posted another recipe and THEN where we would all be?! So this was the lesser evil. Honest.

So all of this is why you are getting another muffin recipe. The fate of humanity hung in the balance. Society NEEDED this recipe.

Ok, I’m gonna shut up now and post the recipe.

These were me playing around. I had been craving something mapley (yes, that too is now a word) but didn’t want pancakes. So I decided on muffins. What I ended up with was a mildly sweet muffin with the flavor of maple. I topped it with an oat, raisins (or ray-rees as my two year old calls them), pecan and maple syrup praline-ish crumble. I have to say, I was pleased with how these turned out. They aren’t too sweet which makes them a good bet for breakfast (or a snack, or dessert covered in more syrup and 32 scoops of vanilla ice cream or dinner if you’re not very hungry, or dinner if you want to eat 15 of them). So basically these muffin  are the perfect all around food. Aren’t you glad you have me here to make sure your dietary requirements are met? No no don’t thank me… just throw money. Large bills please.

This makes a lot of muffins (I got 24 regular sized ones and 4 large ones so it could be cut in half if you’re not feeding the hungry mongrel hordes)

Maple Muffins With A

Pecan & Maple Crumbly Praline Topping

  • 4 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 cup packed dark brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup pecans (can use more but I didn’t want a ton)
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 1 cup melted butter
  • 1 cup maple syrup (use the real stuff)
  • 1/2 cup sour cream or plain yogurt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 3 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3/4 cup chopped pecans
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease or line 24 muffin cups (and four big ones or do another partial batch of small ones after the first ones are done). In a medium bowl, combine the topping ingredients and stir well. Set aside.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the flour, brown sugar,  1/2 cup pecans, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg.
  3. In another bowl (yes, you have to dirty three bowls. I’m so sorry. But if you have kids or a husband give them clean up duty.) combine the milk, eggs, syrup, sour cream & vanilla. Mix until combined, then add the melted butter.
  4. Fill the prepared muffin cups about 2/3 full with batter. Top each with a spoonful (it actually worked better when I just used my fingers and scooped it up) of the topping you set aside.
  5. Bake in a 350 degree oven until a nice golden brown, about 20 minutes. Let cool in pan for a minute or two then put on a wire rack to finish cooling. If they don’t fit on the rack, eat them. I won’t judge.
  6. Come back here and tell me how wonderful these were. Then say something mean to deflate my ego.  Then watch me weep and feel very guilty that you caused me such pain.



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36 thoughts on “This Is Not Another Muffin Post

  1. Cracked under all the peer pressure… they say they want a five layer devils food cake with chocolate chip macarons on top! We are looking forward to it…
    These muffins look very healthy and tasty, but the tops should be devoured first. Yum!

    • The topping was pretty good I have to admit. I think next time I will make more to cover them even heavier :-D. Since I made up the recipe on the spot, I kinda went low on quantities

    • Thank you my friend. I am thinking about doing a once a week muffin post. It seems to have gone over well for some reason.

  2. I love anything maple. We make our own syrup so I always have it in stock too. Your muffins look so hearty and I know I’d grab one of those babies for breakfast.

    • oooo, I would love to make my own syrup but I’m just not in the area of the country where I can. I think I’m jealous now lol

  3. Janet – they look amazing….but with my cinnamon allergy, they are muffins of death. But it might be worth a try… But hubby said he wants some – he says since he’s not allergic you should whip him up a batch when you come live with me! :o)

    • You could probably delete the cinnamon with no problem Ann. Let me know how they are if you do
      And tell your husband so long as you all keep me in books and tea, I’ll definitely make him those muffins 😛

  4. Another muffin recipe, now all is right with the world. I like that it makes a large batch and that it has lots of stuff on top, especially crunchy stuff. These would fit very nicely into a large purse or nightstand drawer. Oops shouldn’t be saying the first thing that comes to mind. Congrats on making your way into the Top again. You’re on a roll/muffin!!

    • LOL! Glad your world is back on axis now Sandra… all cause of my muffin recipe 😛
      And heck with not saying the first thing that comes to mind. In case you hadn’t noticed, I kinda base my blog around that idea hehehe

  5. As far as I am concerned you can post as many muffins as you want…they all look simply amazing! I love the topping on this one, oats on top of a muffin in the form of anything crunchy I can’t resist!

    • Maybe I should rename myself the muffin lady 😛 And I agree Amy; oats on top of things, especially baked goods, is always yummy!

    • thanks Lindsey 🙂 And yeah, I prefer ones with toppings too; makes them seem more decadent somehow even if they are relatively healthy

  6. These muffins look crazy good! The oats and whatnot on top make them appear healthy too 🙂 I haven’t made muffins in foreverrr…

  7. These sound delicious! They have all the flavors I love…cinnamon, vanilla, maple, nutmeg and pecans with some oats thrown in! Gotta try!

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