Pigging Out


I’ve mentioned before that my husband and I are trying to buy a house. To be specific, this house right here *points down to photo*

Housing prices in this part of the country are pretty darn good especially if you consider that this has ten acres of land along with the house and pool. We’re slowly working through the process and have gotten to the point where they have it listed as “pending” now when one tries to find it online. I love seeing that word. Pending. Such a lovely word πŸ˜€

I have a ton of plans for the land when we get it (I refuse to say “if”). I want a huge garden; big enough that we can share with family as well as let local churches and food banks have some. I plan on planting a lot of fruit trees and fruit bushes & vines and nut trees with the same goal in mind though I know that will take longer before they produce. We also want to have chickens, sheep and some pigs to use for meat and in the case of the chickens, eggs. I also love the idea of my youngest being able to grow up learning to care for the land and animals. The garden tub, nice kitchen and pool have no bearing on the decision to get this house. Nope, none at all *cough cough*

I have joked more than once that I can see us getting these animals and instead of them being food, they will take over the household. I will get up in the mornings to see a Sheep wearing my fluffy pink robe and pink slippers. The chickens will use up all my tea bags and steal my chocolate stash. And the pigs will hoard the remote for the TV and I’ll be forced to watch the movie Charlottes Web 17 times a day.

But assuming we can ever find the heart to have the animules slaughtered (I have extreme doubts and see all our future meat still being wrapped in plastic and on styrofoam trays while the animules get fat as houses) one of the things I will be making  frequently is the dinner I made tonight. (Was that a smooth segue into the recipe or WHAT?! *grins and moves along knowing that yes, I AM a dolt πŸ˜› )

I had 4 bone in extra thick pork chops I had gotten on special and I didn’t want to just fry them up and serve them. B…o…r…i…n…ggggg. My husband suggested stuffing them but as much as I don’t go by the certain foods for certain seasons thing, even I have to say that something about stuffed pork chops screams Autumn to me. So I played. If I do say so myself, it turned out pretty darn good. The pork chops are fork tender and the sauce is awesome. It’s sweet, fruity, spicy and fragrant and has a nice curry flavor without tasting like it is just a curry dish. It has much more flavor than that and this is coming from a woman who loves curry. The sauce was stupendous on the coconut rice I made. So if you like pork, like fruity sauces, like a bit of heat, you’ll probably love this. Give it a try. πŸ™‚

Bone In Pork Chops With A

Spicy & Sweet Curried Apricot Sauce

  • 4 large bone in pork chops
  • SAUCE-
  • 2 20 ounce cans apricot halves (either syrup or juice; syrup= sweeter sauce, juice= not so much so. I used one of each)
  • 1 large jalapeno (seeded if desired. I kinda liked the heat and really, it isn’t too intense πŸ˜€ )
  • 1/3 cup Thai sweet chili sauce
  • 3 heaping tablespoons red curry paste
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • salt to taste
  1. Spray a large fry pan with cooking spray. Let pan heat over medium high heat for about 2 minutes
  2. Add pork chops (two at a time; never crowd your pan) and sear on both sides.
  3. In bowl of food processor or blender, mix all sauce ingredients while chops are browning.
  4. When all the chops are browned, add them back to the pan. Pour the sauce over them and cover the pan. Turn the heat to medium low and let simmer until fork tender, about 90 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the size of the chops.  Adjust the heat if the sauce seems to be sticking.
  5. Serve the chops with extra sauce; perfectly with some Basmati rice to soak up a few gazillion spoonsful more of the sauce. I made coconut rice to go with it and the flavors melded so so well.


Just a different view cause they were both so shiny and purty I couldn't choose lol

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30 thoughts on “Pigging Out

    • Thanks Kate! And no shopping anymore as far as I’m concerned. Unless the one I posted becomes lost to us for some unforeseen reason, it’s the one we’re getting πŸ™‚

  1. This looks amazing! I love your plans for the land! My hubby and I used to have land in Liberty, KY….would we have been neighbors? With that much acreage, we can surely pitch our tent!

    • Hmmm… I know of Liberty but not sure how far it is from us. And heck with a tent; there’s enough room to build another house πŸ˜›

      • Liberty is a SMALL place about 100 miles south of Lexington. We no longer own the land, so it wouldn’t matter….they had this great farm-to-fork restaurant there…before anyone knew what farm-to-fork was!

  2. Yes I love pork and fruity sauces with a bit of spice in them. This is so good. I really really wish you’d get the house. It is so fantastic. It has land and a pool and would be perfect for the plans you have in mind. Am so amused with your animal tales. Good luck!!!!

    • Been there done that too Mike, which is exactly why we are so completely tickled at the idea of ten acres. Can you imagine the possibilities!? πŸ™‚

  3. I don’t know which I love more White Chocolate or Pork Chops. I think maybe Pork Chops, especially when doused with a Spicy & Sweet Curried Apricot Sauce. Oink!!!

  4. I really hope you get this house, it sounds like a it will be the beginning of a guarantee to live happily ever after!
    The chops look great, with that tasty sauce. Have a great weekend.

    • Thanks Tina! Not sure about the happily ever after part but certainly a little better πŸ˜€ You have a great weekend too!

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