I Actually DO Like Veggies (Foodbuzz Tastemaker Product Review)

If I do a review, I don’t suddenly have to lose my warped sense of humor and start talking in a high faluting accent and use really large words do I? I can do the review and just be me, right? Because I willingly am making a post that doesn’t involve mass quantities of chocolate, heavy cream, snack cakes or pork. That alone gives me the right to have fun doesn’t it? Although thinking about it, talking in a high faluting accent and using really large words is quite in line with my personality ANYWAY, so that works too. 😀

Seriously though… or maybe I should say, “moving on” (hehehe… did you notice that it has been a while since I’ve said that?), I was lucky enough to be chosen as one of the Foodbuzz Tastemakers to try a Birds Eye product that will be coming out in stores soon. I was tickled to be chosen and even more tickled to eat the veggies. Even if they didn’t come covered in chocolate. Is that showing veggie love or what?! I received this *points down*

Birds Eye Chefs Selection Creamed Spinach

I saw this and knew I would be trying it as it and as soon as possible. Contrary to my self made rep as a person who subsists on fats, sweets and caffeine, I actually DO eat healthy foods voluntarily and actually enjoy them. And I love Spinach; always have. Did you hear that and have you snapped a photo of those words in case I deny it later? I’ll say it again just in case.

I LOVE SPINACH! ALWAYS HAVE! And to top it off, I want THIS Spinach every night for a year or three… for dessert. And dinner. Maybe even lunch and breakfast. Then I may have to fit in a snack cake and some caffeine.

This creamed Spinach was AWESOME! I…erhmmm… ended up eating the whole bag… by myself… over the course of the evening. No one else in my family likes Spinach so it was a sacrifice I willingly made 😀 It tastes wonderfully fresh; like I just chopped up some fresh Spinach myself and mixed this up. But yay of all yays, I didn’t have to go to that kind of trouble. Nope! Not at all. I just popped this bag into the microwave for five minutes and then poured it out. Like I said, very very fresh tasting. And even better, it had NONE of that icky dried milk sort of flavor that I have found in so many other types of creamed spinach, even those from a restaurant. I would put this up against them any day. It has a slight garlic flavor which I liked. But nothing overpowering. The flavor is that of fresh creamy Spinach overall. I will be trying this again…and again…and again.

I can’t WAIT for this to come out at the stores. I am planning to eat lots of creamed Spinach.

Hmmm… I wonder if Birds Eye needs a really strange middle aged, fat spokesperson? I would work for Spinach. Just sayin’.

*I received four packages of Birds Eye Chefs Favorites as part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program*

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28 thoughts on “I Actually DO Like Veggies (Foodbuzz Tastemaker Product Review)

  1. I love creamed spinach! I usually buy the Kroger brand since they have it, but I’ll look out for this since I’m a big fan of Bird’s Eye also. It’s so helpful to have easy sides like this in the freezer on the nights where you’re in a rush

    • At least you’ll do that much. Here, I can’t even get them to eat it in a salad. I’ll happily eat your share btw.
      FJ, I agree. I love this new trend of the microwavable bags and this was was totally delicious. The Spinach, not the bag 😛
      Gen, you should love this then. Hopefully it comes out at stores soon.

    • I’llo look forward to reading your review too, Lindsey. 🙂
      Mike, I’m the same way. I really don’t like canned veggies though I keep them in the house in case of emergency but frozen ones, for the most part, can be pretty good.

  2. I love spinach .. like love love love. And when you make it creamy it’s like a party in your mouth. never used this product before and I definitely should.

    • It’s supposed to be out in the stores net month Kankana so you can be on the lookout for it soon! 🙂
      I know how you feel Cassie. They were all so delicious looking weren’t they?!
      Thanks Emily!!

    • Isn’t it though Kate!?
      Thanks Ann! And yay for big words 😛
      I managed fancy schmancy Sandra? Did I do high falutin’ and accent and big words? I have to know!!!

  3. Koreans do wonderful things with wilted spinach. It makes the best appetizer dish ever with garlic, green onion, sesame seeds and a dash of sesame oil. If you check on google, use the term Sigumchi Namul to find the recipe

  4. Janet….I would work for spinach, too!!! Sometimes I like to eat it with just a splash of balsamic. But the creamier, the better! Will keep my eye out for this! (Awesome that you got chosen to review this! And NEVER lose your sense of humor….I love it!) : )

    • Laura, I don’t know. It didn’t occur to me to read the label. But it DID taste quite fresh and not all preservative and fake chemical filled if that makes any sense
      Angie, I’ve seen recipes for that, but I guess I’m a purist; straight or creamed are my favorites
      Sandi, this is why I like you 😀

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