Rhapsody On A Theme

I mentioned on my facebook page earlier that this is one of my favorite pieces of music-

Rhapsody On A Theme Of Paganini


It’s also kind of the way I cook.  Well, except when the baby is whining, the teens are ornery and my husband is oblivious. Then… not so rhapsodic. 😛 But generally speaking, cooking is a sort of rhapsody to me. It’s melodies and lyrics and booming orchestras all wrapped up in my cooking. But the problem is this…. like those horrid people who cover classics and remake them in Pop music *cough Michael Bolton/Mariah Carey* cough*, I am incapable of making something and keeping it as it was originally intended to be. Sometimes, this leads to total disaster and we just aren’t going to talk about that because I’m old and vain and refuse to have you laugh at me when I haven’t meant for that to happen. 😀

But other times, it works out quite well and that is when we have “Rhapsody On A Theme”.

Today, the theme was me wishing it were already Autumn and wanting something made with Pumpkin;  preferably scones. But could I just make Pumpkin scones and call it done? Nooooooo… not me! As you already know is par for the course, I have to mess with things and make them…well… MINE. So I did. I had just brought up from downstairs a bag of butterscotch candy. You know the ones. The little hard golden yellow ones. So the thought struck me that something about butterscotch and pumpkin and all the spices going with it seemed to go together. So I crushed up some of the butterscotch and mixed it in with the scone dough. Then sprinkled some on top before baking them. Then sprinkled a bit more on after glazing. And when it comes to pumpkiny treats, I have always been of the mind that 99.9% of recipes never have enough spices. I mean, c’mon… 1/2 teaspoons of cinnamon and other yummy spices!? No way mannnnnnn. I need more! More I say!! So…erhmmm… I added more. If you aren’t as fond of lots of sweet spice, go ahead and use less.

The result was a moist tender scone with a yummy Pumpkin spice flavor and a hint of butterscotch. That came with a spiced glaze and more hints of butterscotch. All in all, I’ll call ths one of my more successful rhapsodies 😀 These are quickly put together if you use the food processor. I didn’t use a mixer but I can’t see it taking much longer if you did. I hope you like it. If not, mail them to me. I’ll eat your share. 😛

These taste like Autumn and I don’t know about you but I’m ready.

Pumpkin Butterscotch Scones With A Spiced Butterscotch Glaze

  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 3/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/2 teaspoon cloves
  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger
  • 1/2 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 3 tablespoons heavy cream
  • 7 tablespoons cold butter, cut into thin slices
  • 35 butterscotch disc candies, ground in the food processor
  • 1 1/4 cups powdered sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoon milk
  • 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/8 teaspoon ginger
  • 1/8 teaspoon cloves
  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Combine flour, baking powder, 1/2 cup of the ground butterscotch discs (set remaining aside to use to sprinkle on scones before baking and after glazing), salt, sugar and spices in bowl of food processor.
  2. Add the butter to the food processor and pulse until no chunks of butter remain.
  3. Add in the pumpkin, egg and cream. Pulse until the mixture comes together into a soft ball.
  4. Dump the dough out onto a VERY lightly floured board. Pat out into a round about 3/4’s of an inch thick.
  5. Transfer dough to a lightly greased baking pan. Using a sharp knife, score all the way through the dough, cutting into 6 to 8 scones (I did six very large ones cause I know the guys I live with but normal people would want smaller ones lol) but don’t separate the scones. Sprinkle with half of the remaining ground butterscotch discs.
  6. Bake at 425 for 14 to 16 minutes or until they are light golden brown and firm on top.
  7. Cool on a wire rack.
  8. While they cool, whisk together all the glaze ingredients.  Spoon the glaze on top of the cooled scones, spreading to cover. Sprinkle with the remaining crushed butterscotch. Let the scones sit for about half an hour so that the glaze can set.
  9. Eat. Wish for a warm cozy fire and a cup of hot cider.



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42 thoughts on “Rhapsody On A Theme

  1. You could pretty much make anything with pumpkin and I’ll like it. These sound heavenly. I’m already working on getting Gary to make them for me. 😉

    • Cool! Hope you two like them. Make sure you let me know! And if you don’t like a heavy spicy (not hot obviously, just spiced) background, you will definitely want to cut the spices down. I tend to have a heavy hand there because I love it. And the butterscotch could be omitted if you didn’t want that in there.

  2. Great recipe. I am not ready for fall yet. Still enjoying summer too much. Feels like it’s gone too fast. Although I must admit not being able to bake due to the heat has been horrible. Hoping for a cool day tomorrow.

    We caught a movie today and they previewed the new footloose movie. I feel about that the way you feel about pop remakes. I am horrified by what I saw.

  3. I love everything pumpkin – these look awesome! I bet the butterscotch is just delicious in these scones as well. I agree – bring on fall! 🙂

    • My sentiments exactly Alida! Fall is awesome 🙂

      Oh, I totally agree about the remakes of movies too Kim. At my age, I’ve seen them remake farrrrr too many and now footloose? And Dirty Dancing?? ACK!!!

      Tamar, me too and same here on not making them enough. 🙂

    • Liz, doesn’t Pumpkin just personify Fall? I love it. 🙂

      Tina, me too. I’m weird in that I much prefer the cooler/colder seasons to the hotter ones. I just don’t get excited over heat but I love snow and the Christmas season.

  4. That’s a very beautiful metaphor for cooking – and a recipe to match! Music and cooking are some of the most peaceful, beautiful things we are capable of doing and sharing – I’m glad you’ve embraced the coming season.

    • Thank you Viviane, and I agree about both cooking and music being peaceful things to do. They both help me maintain my sanity at times.

  5. Mmmmm this sounds and looks so delicious!! I love pumpkin and all the spices that go with it. I’m already looking forward to the fall for every reason! But I guess all the pumpkiny stuff has something to do with it too haha.

    • Thanks Lindsey. And yep; Pumpkin does it for me every time too 😀
      Thank you Shay! The glaze was pretty good. it sets up nicely; rather like the royal icing one uses on cookies
      Ellie, me too. I think they and cranberries are two of my favorite things about cooler weather cooking 🙂

    • I knew I liked you for a reason Mike! 😛
      And it was best in the glaze. In the scone itself, *I* thought it was too mild. Next time I will use more… or maybe add some dry butterscotch pudding mix.

    • Same here Cassie. I love love love the cooler weather… and the Pumpkin lattes are pretty good too hehe

      Erin, I think so. It’s been a hot Summer!

  6. Hiya Janet! I know that you know…that I can’t have this with my cinnamon allergy…but I wish I could. I love pumpkin and cinnamon! These look amazing and you really put them over the top with butterscotch candies in it!

  7. I love the idea of a pumpkin scone. Oddly enough here in my part of the world, with summer still going strong there’s a plethora of pumpkins. I think I know what I’ll be making with my next purchase 🙂

    • Oh, cool! Let me know what you think if you could Val!

      Ann, I thought of you as I was making the post and felt bad cause I knew you couldn’t eat them as is 🙁

    • Thanks Sandra! And I hope so. I come into my own cooking during the cooler months cause I enjoy the foods much more so stay tuned; same bat(ty) channel
      Elyse, they are yummy! Hope you like them.

    • Me too Skylar! I want a fire in a fireplace (of course I have to GET a fireplace) some hot cocoa or mulled wine and something pumpkiny!

  8. Janet someone made scones at work the other day and I ate THREE. At least they were mini. They were pumpkin flavored which reminded me of fall. I’m looking forward to the cooler weather. Anyway — butterscotch is my fav. flavor. and with my new love of scones I am drooling over these. LOVE.

    • It must be in the foodie psyche about now; MAKE.FALL.TREATS! 😀 And if you had eaten three of the ones I made here you’d have gained an immediate ten pounds 😛

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