Sometimes Simple Is Best- Even When It Has A Touch Of Fancy

Some of these with a glass of Shiraz and it was a wonderful meal

I’ve never been a fancy person. I mean, for heavens sake, I openly admit that two of my favorite foods are Cheetos and Twinkies. I’d say that qualifies as simple tastes. I also like Liverwurst, pickled herring and ham and cheese sandwiches (those rare times I even eat sandwiches that aren’t hot and gooey) on smooshy white bread spread with butter. Not sure if I just qualified myself as having simple tastes or just never having progressed past age six in my eating habits. 😛

But I do prefer simple foods for the most part. I have the worlds worst appetite especially for a heavy woman and forget to eat half the time. Were it not for my husbands prodding, I would probably live on tea, yogurt and the occasional lean cuisine meal. Give me some cheese, some bread, (a bottle of wine and thou? sorry; tangent) fruit and I’ll be happy unless it’s one of those times when I have a craving for a 20 inch thick ribeye steak cooked to a perfect medium rare.

So what I’ve made today appeals to me a lot on both the simple level and the not too much level and I hope it does to you also. Like the post title says, it has a bit of fancy to it. This comes with goat cheese which unless one owns a goat and makes it oneself is fancy based on price alone if nothing else (thank God for finding it on sale!). But otherwise, this is a simple homey meal (or appetizer) that is fairly quick to throw together and yet fancy enough to serve to guests. That goat cheese thing does that. Makes people think it’s fancy when in reality goat cheese has been a source of food for many many centuries.

Give this a try. I think you’ll like it. 🙂 The creamy slightly salty cheese with the fresh Spinach and the sweet caramelized tomatoes all atop of piece of crusty French bread is pure Heaven.

Goat Cheese, Spinach & Oven Roasted Tomatoes Bruschetta

  • 1 loaf French Baguette
  • 4 ounces goat cheese
  • 1/2 pound oven roasted cherry or grape tomatoes (the store bought ones in oil are fine if you prefer)
  • 1 6 ounce bag prewashed baby spinach leaves, stems removed and thoroughly dried
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • olive oil if roasting your tomatoes yourself
  1. If roasting the tomatoes yourself, preheat oven to 325. Slice the tomatoes in halves or quarters. Sprinkle with salt, pepper (and I also use McCormick Garlic/Onion Grill mix. It has nice pieces of both the onion and the garlic and adds both flavor and a wonderful aroma to the roasting tomatoes.) and drizzle with a good quality olive oil. Toss to coat the tomatoes well.
  2. Roast at 325 until the tomatoes are nicely caramelized and softened. You’re not trying for the texture of sun dried tomatoes here; just browned and soft.  Let cool somewhat.
  3. Slice your baguette into thin slices. Toast if you prefer it crunchier. I heated mine up in the oven but didn’t toast it.  Spread with the goat cheese and top with a spinach leaf or two and a little bit of the tomatoes.
  4. Eat and enjoy the simple things.
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68 thoughts on “Sometimes Simple Is Best- Even When It Has A Touch Of Fancy

  1. Thank you – I now know what I’m going to do with the goat cheese I have in my fridge…dinner this weekend! I’ll take the glass of shiraz too 🙂

    • Amen Eliot! Twinkies and Cheetos rock! 😀
      What can I say Sandra? I have my moments 😛 And thank you my friend

    • Thanks Kelsey! And me too 🙂
      Me too Lindsey. Things like this are so much easier than a large meal but somehow seem more satisfying at times

    • Thanks Christine. I agree. Now if I could just get my husband and boys to agree rather than look at things like this and say “Ewwww; what’s THAT!?” 😛

  2. This looks fabulous! I love goat cheese and crostini! Hubby would love this, too. He actually enjoys this sort of thing – although he still calls it “chick food”.

  3. This sounds really good, I bet I wouldn’t be able to stop eating these. You sounds like your appetite is very much like mine, except that I can’t stop eating all my baked goods 😉

    • Hmmm, how about Cheetos and a glass of chardonnay? Ok, maybe that’s pushing it huh? 😛
      Thank you Anne. And aren’t things like these awesome!? And yes, I DO love the flavor of roasted tomatoes. And with the garlic in there, it was even better!
      Sarah, a few years back I was the same way when I baked lol. Now, I barely touch the stuff for some reason. The Pumpkin Scones I posted the other day? I had two bites of one and that was it. Go figure.

    • Tina, I tihnk I just want a bowl full of the roasted tomatoes hehe. I’m trying to think up excuses and recipes to make some more 😀

    • Thanks Val! And I hadn’t thought of that, but yeah, I suppose it could be. I hope you enjoy it if you try it! 🙂
      Hi Kitchen Muse! Linda, right? Welcome to my blog. I hope you continue to enjoy it. 🙂 And yep, Lemon Curd is some awesome stuff for brightening things up… especially my spoon hehe

    • Hmmm, I never thought of that Cassie, but I suppose it does, doesn’t it? Cool! And nope; nothing wrong with Twinkies 😀 Twinkies are our friend hehe

    • Thanks Lacy!!

      Me too Tiffany! I hope you’ll try it.
      Yay for Cheetos! Hmmm, beefed up goats. Contradiction of sorts there huh? 😛 I wonder what he meant?

    • I never thought of that Kitchen Noob! Pure genius!!! *grins*

      Thanks Nava. 🙂
      Thanks Sandra! I was honored to get top nine for these.

  4. I’m sitting here eating my bruschetta and loving every bite. I mixed feta cheese with cream cheese to get a better texture for my tastebuds.. Thank you for the recipe. Love your fancy style.

  5. Congrats on Top 9 Jan! I love this dish… simple can often be delicious! When the ingredients are good and well paired like in this case, who need more complicated dishes?? My taste buds would be so happy if I could eat this bruschetta!

  6. Simple foods and simple ways of preparing them can really bring out the best flavours. My husband is always trying to goad me into adding a ton of extra things when I make pizza, but I prefer it with one or two toppings so the flavours really stand out.
    These look so great!

    • Carolyn, I’m the same way usually. Sometimes I like a “garbage pizza” but generally speaking, mushrooms and sausage is my go to. Too much and it all blends into one. So yep; simple flavors 🙂

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