The Meatloaf That Ate Manhattan

The Meatloaf That Ate Manhattan is happy... and full of Manhattanites πŸ˜›

“Meatloaf, Scmeatloaf!!!” Anyone else love the movie “A Christmas Story”? You know the one… set during the depression, narrated by Ralphie, the main character? I love the scene where they are sitting down to dinner and meatloaf is being served. He lets out a groan and mumbles under his breath, “Meatloaf, Schmeatloaf” and the narrator says something to the effect of  “My brother had not eaten voluntarily in three years” followed by the mother getting him to eat in ways which still leave me both grossed out and laughing my butt off. I definitely identify when the narrator says “My mother had not eaten a hot meal in twenty years”. Yeah… I can get behind that one :-P.

Meatloaf  has a really really bad reputation and so many people are convinced that they absolutely hate it. I personally think they just haven’t had a good one. Because made incorrectly, meatloaf can be some nassssttttyyyyyy stuff. I actually knew someone once whose idea of making meatloaf was to take ground beef, throw in some oatmeal, salt and pepper and then bake that. *shudders* There you have the reasoning behind the bad rep. People don’t do anything to season it well or they cook it until it is a rock; they don’t glaze it etc etc etc. Add all the bad skits in movies and on TV surrounding it and it’s no wonder no one likes it.

Personally, I love meatloaf.  Well, when I am the one that’s made it.  By now, you know I can’t do anything that is screaming “I’m PLAIN!!!!”. I have to give things a bit of kick. Not necessarily heat; just a lot of flavor. I’m not any different when it comes to making meatloaf. I want flavor, not a dry crumbly loaf that tastes only of ground beef. B…o…r…i…n…gggggg.

So give this a try if you like meat loaf. Give this a try if you think you dislike meatloaf. Give this a try if you are the parent or s/o of a meat loaf hater. If you still don’t like it (or they don’t), I’ll make something sweet and creamy. Ok, so we all know I’ll do that anyway but you get my drift. Give it a try.

This meat loaf is HUGE by the way. Seriously. This could be a small uninhabited island if it weren’t a meatloaf. Or a rocket ship to Pluto, which btw, IS a planet. So feel free to cut this in half. I make it big here because we like the leftovers for lunch for a month or twelve. Nuttin’ better than a meatloaf sandwich. YUM!

Chili Cheese Stuffed Meatloaf

Aka The Meatloaf That Ate Manhattan

  • 2 pounds ground beef (preferably ground chuck)
  • 2 pounds ground veal
  • 2 pounds ground pork
  • 2 cups finely chopped onion (I use red onion because it tends to be more flavorful)
  • 1/4 cup chopped garlic (yes, you read that right)
  • 1 1/2 cups finely chopped green pepper
  • 2 tablespoons McCormick brand “Perfect Pinch Steak Seasoning” (or your favorite steak seasoning)
  • 2 teaspoons ground chipotle pepper (optional. It doesn’t really add heat in this amount, just a nice smokiness.)
  • 1/3 to 1/2 cup Heinz 57 sauce
  • 1/2 cup ketchup
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 2/3 cups rolled oats (not instant)
  • 8 deli slices sharp cheddar or Colby cheese (I used 4 slices white cheddar and 4 slices Colby)
  • 1 small (3 ounces) can chopped green chilies (drained as well as one can drain a can of chilies)
  • GLAZE-
  •  2/3 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup cider vinegar
  • 1 cup ketchup
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground chipotle pepper (optional)
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a LARGE baking pan with foil.
  2. In a large bowl, mix all the loaf ingredients other than the meats, the cheese and the green chilies.
  3. Add in the meat and mix well. Clean hands are the best tool for this because it’s hard to break up lumps otherwise. Remember; this is a lot of meat.
  4. Scoop half of the meat mixture out onto the baking pan. Shape into a large (did I mention how large this was?) loafish shape.
  5. Make an indentation all through the center of the meat, leaving about a half inch edge. Think of it as making a moat. πŸ˜›
  6. Pour the chilies on top and spread to the lip, edge, moat… whatever you want to call it.
  7. Lay the slices of cheese on top of this.
  8. Take the other half of the meat and cover the bottom half, sealing well around the edges (bye bye moat).
  9. Bake at 350 for about 2 to 2 1/2 hours.
  10. About halfway through baking, mix all the glaze ingredients in a medium bowl. Spoon about half of it over the top of the loaf and continue cooking. Heat the rest in the microwave and serve on the side with the meat loaf or drizzle over the top of each slice.
  11. This makes great sandwiches the next day drizzled with some of the glaze and a slice or two of fresh tomato

Yummy meat loaf, home made mashed potatoes and fresh corn. Can we say yummy!?



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54 thoughts on “The Meatloaf That Ate Manhattan

  1. That’s a pretty cool meatloaf! I LOVE the movie….and remember that scene! It’s amazing how – based on your age – how you perceive it!

    • Ain’t that the truth! When I first saw it many moons ago, I was in my mid teens and just thought it was funny. Now I see it from the parents point of view. Damn. I’m old.

    • I meant to put teeth on him too to make him more threatening but I forgot πŸ™
      I like your husband. He has good taste in movies πŸ˜€

    • Stephanie, you’re not supposed to think he’s cute. He was supposed to look vicious and full of Manhattanites πŸ˜›

      Cassie, you must make meatloaf now. Must must must πŸ˜›

  2. I love meatloaf, but don’t make it often enough. I love “A Christmas Story”, but don’t watch it enough….This meatloaf sounds and looks tasty and scrumptious! Thank you for posting a meatloaf recipe that won’t just feed my 15 year old….Hubby and I may actually get a piece as well!!

  3. I love meatloaf. It is so yummy and brings back memories of childhood. And I love that movie. I laughed so hard at this post. I needed a good chuckle tonight so thank you for that and some delicious meatloafy goodness.

    • Let me know what you think if you do, Peggy!

      Me too Kim. Also, love that movie. I force my kids to sit through it a gazillion times each Christmas lol. I’m glad I was able to give you a laugh when you needed it my friend.

      Lori, I know what you mean there. My 14 year old ate a slice the size of Wyoming then went back for more lol

  4. Janet….I love that movie! I also love meatloaf! My mother attempted to make it once when I was a kid and it came out like a brick and she never tried again. So I never searched for a good recipe for one. This looks phenomenal! And with mashed potatoes and that beautiful corn! Only one thing better than meatloaf….and it’s leftover meatloaf sandwiches! And your version would make a particularly good one! : )

    • Anne, I sometimes think I make such big meatloafs because I like the leftovers in sandwiches even more than I like the meatloaf the first night πŸ™‚

      Thanks Liz!

      Eliot, Christmas Story rocks doesn’t it!?

  5. You had me at the chili cheese stuffed! I used to despise meatloaf, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve learned to love it. And I love that scene in a Christmas Story πŸ™‚ That movie will be played on repeat before we know it!

  6. I am one of those people who does not like meatloaf until about two months ago. I made one and it wasn’t bad. I will have to try this recipe out next. Probably when I am many more people over for dinner πŸ™‚

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