“Cut my pie into four pieces, I don’t think I could eat eight.”

I love that quotation. Yogi Berra said that. The man spoke my heart! I love pie. Sweet pies, savory pies, custard, fruit, cream, fly guts (just checking to make sure you’re paying attention), citrus, chocolate. I love them all. Well, except for the fly gut one. You can have my share. Though, me being me, I am now wondering how teenie tiny fly guts would be if they even have guts similar to ours and if spiders make fly guts pie.

Yeah. Uh huh. Maybe it’s time for me to start looking into therapy again.

I have a few hundred favorites however. Apple crumb (I even love the Sara Lee Dutch Apple Crumb one), Key Lime (my favorite Summer pie) Lemon Meringue (reminds me of my dad), well, anything lemon (check back tomorrow for one of those), cherry , mincemeat….ok, I think you get the point. I like pie. And I’m pretty much an equal opportunity pie lover (hmmm, my mind can make even THAT sound obscene. Did I mention that therapy thing?).

So going on my last post’s idea of giving you recipes to get ready for Thanksgiving before you go and pick all the better bloggers recipes because they make foods that make me look like a three year old in the kitchen *sobs piteously*, so that you don’t have to wait until the last minute to figure out what you want to make, I bring you my favorite pie. All time favorite. I’m talking “eat this until it seeps out of my pores and I smell like dessert (Thinking about this, is this really a BAD thing?) and I fall into a coma yet again from too much sugar” favorite pie. I’m saying “I love this pie and if I put it on my Thanksgiving table and the kids eat it all before I get to it, I cry” type of favorite pie. I’m saying…. I’m rambling aren’t I?

Moving on… my favorite pie is Pecan Pie. Go figure… a woman who doesn’t really care that much for nuts and my favorite pie is Pecan. But it is. And this one in particular. I have been making this for many many years now. It originally came from The Fanny Farmer Baking Book (omg, if you ever want just ONE excellent baking cookbook, get this one. Amazon still carries it even though it’s over a 25 year old book. I love this cookbook and want mine buried with me.) and I really haven’t changed it TOO much other than to increase the filling by half to make it deeper and adding a little cream and more vanilla to the filling before baking it. Why? Because more than I love the caramelized sugary glazed pecans (remember that not THAT fond of nuts thing), I absolutely adore the goopy filling in Pecan pie. This one is rich and dark and wickedly delicious. If you have been looking for a great pecan pie recipe, look no further. Try this one. I suggest making it a day ahead of time and letting it cool, then refrigerating it. Then when you want to cut it, cut it cold, then heat each piece in the microwave if you want it warm. I suggest that for most pies actually. They are much easier to cut and you’ll rarely have that first piece that falls apart that is so common with baking pies. So give this a try. Then do what I do when I make this and say to heck with the calories and drown it in a puddle of warm unsweetened heavy cream. Hey, it’s like a twice a year thing!

Wickedly Rich Pecan Pie

  • 1 9 inch unbaked pie shell (use homemade or use store bought but make sure it is a DEEP shell. Crimp the edges up even higher if it is a store bought deep dish with low edges)
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup dark corn syrup
  • 1/2 cup light corn syrup
  • 3/4 cup dark brown sugar
  • 6 tablespoons melted butter
  • 3 tablespoons heavy cream
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 1/4 cups pecan halves or pieces (I use pieces; make the pie easier to cut and the nuts gets more glazed and caramelized)
  1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
  2. Beat the eggs with a whisk (don’t use an electric beater with this recipe. It adds too much air to the filling) in a large bowl until well blended.
  3. Add the corn syrups (btw, bottled corn syrup is NOT the same thing as HFCS. You may not want to stick a straw in the bottle and drink it but it’s fine to use if you’re someone who worries about HFCS.),  the brown sugar, the melted butter, cream and vanilla. Blend well.
  4. Stir in the pecans. I then let it sit for about ten minutes or so before I put it in the pie shell. It gives the pecans time to soak up the filling.
  5. Pour filling into pie shell.
  6. Bake the pie for 15 minutes then reduce the heat to 350 degrees and cook until the pie is done. When you can stick a thin knife in the center and not come out with liquid on it, it’s done. You want it to come out with little tiny bits of goopy filling on it. Pecan pie is pretty precise in how it should be cooked. Too little and it’s runny; too much and it gets granular. Depending on your oven, this will take from 30 to 40 minutes. If it is getting too brown, lightly cover the pie with foil to shield it.
  7. Let cool on rack, then refrigerate until thoroughly chilled. If you want it warmed, slice the pie and heat each piece individually in the microwave.
  8. Cover your slice in a puddle of heavy cream that makes your pie scream at you that it’s drowning.

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23 thoughts on ““Cut my pie into four pieces, I don’t think I could eat eight.”

  1. Oooh, that looks wonderful! My mother-in-law makes a (possibly even more) wicked chocolate-pecan pie that is just to die for! Girl needs pie every once in a while, right? 😉

  2. Wow – that looks absolutely amazing! I like pecan pie, but I like it with extra nuts….

    I also like that you used both dark and light corn syrup. I can see why this is a favorite (and I’m going to have to check out the cookbook!) Buzzed this winner, Janet!

    • Thanks Ann! And you can have all the nuts off of my slice… I’ll eat the goopy filling 😀

      Eliot, that’s just my favorite part of life in general hehe

  3. LOVE this pie Janet! It’s rich and gooey and with all those sweet chewy nuts! I know there are many wonderful versions of this….but I like mine plain and simple! This is always one of my Thanksgiving desserts! Now I can’t wait!

  4. It’s funny how a great recipe can make you crave foods you don’t normally love, isn’t it? I agree that pecan pie is fantastic, and it lends itself to all kinds of variations.
    I have a copy of the Fannie Farmer cookbook that belonged to my mother. My copy was printed in the 1930s, but the original publication date was 1896! Apparently it was called the Boston Cooking School Cookbook, by Fannie Farmer, but now just goes by her name. If you have an old copy, definitely hang on to it. Or be buried with it 😉

  5. This looks like it defines my idea of a great pecan pie. Cut it with a knife, eat it with a spoon to get every part in one scoop-flaky crust, sweet filling, crunchy nuts and cold cream or ice cream. I think I have just talked myself right into a pie craving, but your post started it all!

  6. Culinarication, I completely agree. Wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without Pecan Pie 🙂

    Mia, I have that one too!! It’s a reprint but it’s the same exact book. Isn’t it great!!?

  7. My mom is allegoric to nuts so growing up this was always a super special treat. I didn’t sample it till high school. I am in love! Thanks for the recipe. I will have to make it as a pre-Thanksgiving dish for my husband and I.

  8. What I’m looking for is a recipe for pumpkin-pecan pie. I found one years ago, but lost it. Since then, some president (I forget which) “published” a recipe for pumpkin-pecan that was just a pumpkin pie with chopped pecans sprinkled on top, and that’s the only one I can find by googling.

    What I’m looking for is a pumpkin pie, with the pecan halves with that sort of glaze that’s on a pecan pie. But I’m not enough of a baker to try combining recipes like that myself.

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