Do you Ever Have Days When…

Maple & Sausage Corn Bread

…You probably shouldn’t be allowed near anything? Yeah, me too. Today is certainly one of those days.

I have a three year old who has absolutely no interest in being toilet trained and since I’ve done this five times before with no problem, I can only wonder what I’m doing wrong this time. And I’m getting bored washing peed in (or worse) “big boy pants” lol.

I made some scones for all of you that SHOULD have been awesome. We’ll just call them “Omelet Scones” because they had all the ingredients for an omelet tucked into a scone. I can’t post them because they got far too brown because I was busy dealing with a recalcitrant camera. They were decent enough to serve the family but certainly not photo worthy.

As for photos, I am ready to throw my camera through a wall. As I’ve told my husband, you can’t be a successful  food blogger without being able to take decent photos. You can’t take decent photos if what you have is a camera that is a very inexpensive point and shoot  that refuses to focus half the time (I don’t know what’s wrong with it) so that getting details is impossible until you want details of blur :-p But unless I sell one of the children, a decent camera is NOT in my future. So for now, I look at photos of good cameras (is there something ironic about that or is that just me?) and dream because I kind of like my kids and have no immediate plans to sell them. Though if that refusing to be toilet trained thing keeps up….

Today I bring you a different sort of breakfast in a baked good. You know how yummy it is to dip your sausage into your maple syrup when you’re eating pancakes? Well, what I’ve made is a maple flavored cornbread with the sausage nicely pillowed in the cornbread. You get a flavor of all three with this and it’s delicious! I know that at least one of you I’m lookin’ at you Kiri 😛 doesn’t like cornbread but that’s ok… you have so much other delicious stuff on your blog, you’ll manage. Though this IS really good cornbread hehe.

Maple & Sausage Cornbread

  • 1 cup corn meal
  • 1 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/3 cup real maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 box brown & serve sausages, cooked and drained
  1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Grease an 8 inch pan (I used a foil one… I like easy clean up :-p)
  2. In a medium bowl, combine the flour, corn meal, baking powder and salt.
  3. In a small bowl, whisk together the milk, syrup, eggs and butter.
  4. Pour into the dry ingredients and mix JUST until combined. Lay the sausages on top of the batter, pressing down slightly.
  5. Bake at 400 degrees until golden brown and cooked through (a skewer inserted in should come out clean); about 25 minutes.
  6. Serve with butter and more syrup. YUM!!


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11 thoughts on “Do you Ever Have Days When…

  1. Oh no! *caught in the spotlight* I admit it! No cornbread for me! Though it’s really a moisture issue, so the sausage and maple syrup might help some. Interesting recipe one way or the other, pairing maple syrup with sausage!
    And I feel your pain with the camera issues 🙁

  2. This looks like great cold weather comfort food. I especially like the part where you recommend the butter and syrup on top. Yum!

    And, yes, I have had one of those days before. Hope your tomorrow is fantastic!

  3. I have an inexpensive point-and-shoot and have finally come to an agreement with it. I allow it to keep its innards if it behaves. It’s begun doing a much better job for me (thanks to the threat and also the constant tips from Adam at Picture Perfect Meals). Anyhow, your cornbread looks fantastic. I love the combination of all three things. Definitely saves on clean-up and since you’re busy cleaning up other things, that helps for sure!

  4. This looks terrific! I understand regarding a camera! When I started blogging, I was using my IPHONE! I, too, have a point and shoot. One day I’ll upgrade….but it’s not today. Best of luck with the potty training

  5. Yes, yes! I love corn bread and sausages. And I also have a point-and-shoot, but besides not being able to take the lovely shallow focus photos you can get with a dslr, I love it. (Nikon P300) I was lucky enough that a friend lent me his old dslr and have been learning to use it. Hope your tomorrow holds no mishaps!

  6. I am ready to drive over there this looks so good-yum! Very creative and delicious recipe Janet, thanks for sharing it.
    Getting the perfect gear for blogging can get into some expense and we all want our pictures to be perfect, but I think you are doing quite well in spite of not having a fancy camera. Good luck on potty training the disinterested one!

  7. This looks like a recipe my hubby would love! Syrup, sausage, eggs and cornbread??? So many great elements in each bite. Ugh, camera woes are no fun for a food blogger~

  8. Well if the point and shoot lives another day it will be lucky. Hopefully it won’t end up in the toilet…target practice for the 3 year old?
    I do very much love this recipe and that everything it together in one dish…less mess!
    Thanks Janet, and I hope your day improves 🙂

  9. Oh yum!! I love the breakfast sausages on top! And who can resist corn bread & maple syrup together with the sausage…this sounds like breakfast heaven!!

  10. Point and shoots have come a long way in the last couple of years. I’m sure if you play around with the settings you’ll get great pictures out of it while you can get the DSLR. That cornbread looks great. For some reason I see myself greasing up the pan with the sausage drippings. Mmmmh…

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