Happy Birthday To My Son Zachary!

Yep; another birthday here in our household. It was… interesting having them 2 days apart when they both lived at home. Two cakes, two presents, two birthday dinners. It still feels kind of strange having him be the only one having a birthday at home in January now. The boy whom I thought would be my last is fifteen today.

Yep, once upon a time, I thought Zachie was going to be my last child, my baby. I hadn’t planned on any more. And there are times that shows lol. He is the quintessential youngest child in many ways. He is the one who goes to his siblings when they are home visiting and shows such signs of youngest child hero worship that it is both funny and heart tugging to watch. He is also the one who manages to annoy said siblings because he wants so much to be a grown up like them that he bugs them until they hide 😛 .

He is an honor roll student who gets bored easily at school because his work there comes easy to him. He is the young man who would happily spent 15 hours a day in front of the X- Box his older brother gave him and Jordan for Christmas. Unfortunately for him, momma is strict about that. He is the one who has had to grow up too fast in so many ways due to having a brother two years older than him biologically who will always be younger than him mentally and emotionally. He has had to take on responsibilities that people twice his age would balk at and he does them well, rarely complaining about having to be a sometimes caretaker for someone older than him. He makes me proud.

He is also a total and complete doofus as the above picture attests hehe. He is the child who is always trying to make people laugh and has inherited his mothers sarcastic sense of humor. Unfortunately for him, that same sense of humor in him tends to come off as 15 year old smart alec at times and gets him in trouble but I figure that with time and wisdom that will get better. 😛

He wants to go to UK (University of Kentucky) when he gets out of high school. That or join the military first then go to college. He is a walking bundle of plans and dream, hopes and grins. He is moody one minute, then laughing and giving me a hug the next. He may not be my youngest anymore but he’ll always be one of my babies. Happy birthday Zachie man. I love you.

All my kids- Jared, Cameron holding Joshie, Rachel then Zach & Jordan down in front


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20 thoughts on “Happy Birthday To My Son Zachary!

  1. Happy birthday to Zach. How very sweet of you to celebrate the birthdays separately. My sis and I have birthdays 2 days apart and never once growing up did we get our own birthday-it was all celebrated at once. Tell both your sons how lucky they are to have their own separate birthdays-that I idea starts with the parents, well done!

    • Thanks Tina! And yeah, I’ve heard that from others with siblings with close birthdays. Always made me glad that mine was the only one in August in our family lol.

  2. Happy, happy, Birthday Zachary!!! Zachary sounds very much like my son, both bright kids with an affinity for the Xbox.
    I’m so happy to see the photo of your family, now I have your face to go with your name when I see your posts. Somehow that always makes it easier for me to remember people.
    Again, Happy Birthday to the birthday boy! Good luck with U of K… we lived in Louisville for about 3 years, and I know how popular that school.

    • Kim, that was just a picture of all my kids 😛 I’m not in that one. If you want to see a picture of me, there’s one in my About Me section 😀
      But I know what you mean about liking to put a face to people. 🙂

      Wow! Three birthdays in one week! That has GOT to be one heck of a week!

  3. Happy Birthday Zachary! He’s adorable and sounds like a great role model for kids his age. Love the family photo, you all look so happy =] Hope he enjoyed his special day as well as plenty of cake! Thank you for sharing such a touching post, have a good one! =]

  4. What a lovely message about your son! Two of my daughters have birthdays one day apart, right after Christmas, and one of those birthdays falls on our wedding anniversary! Although I have wished and wished that were not the case it is now a blessing that I am slowly getting used to. Well done too for having such a beautiful family! God bless you. Xxx

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