Sometimes It Just HAS To Be Chocolate

Chocoholics Bundt Cake

There is not a woman out there who doesn’t agree with that statement. Ok, ok, there are maybe five women out there who don’t agree. They are the ones who were born with a genetic anomaly making them dislike chocolate.

I often pray for them.

But the rest of you women (and many of you men reading this) completely “get it”. There are times that nothing but a moist delicious chocolate dessert will do. Hey; it’s been proven that there is actually good reason that we crave chocolate (other than the fact that it tastes amazing that is). Eating chocolate releases endorphins, the “happy” hormone. That explains why we want it when we’re down in the dumps and having a crappy day.

There are times when I’m making something chocolatey that I’ll go all out and make a 500 step recipe; something that can be considered gourmet. There are other times, I just want simple and quick. That’s when I fall back onto this recipe. Yes, it uses a cake mix. I said in my about me section when I started this blog that i was NOT one to turn my nose up at convenience products.

This cake is soooooo delicious and a definite family favorite. It goes together in five minutes flat, then you just bake, glaze and eat. It’s moist and rich with a deep dark chocolate flavor that is highlighted by the rich chocolate glaze. A little piece of this goes a long way but by the same token you’ll find yourself snagging a bite every time you pass it. It’s pretty dangerous when those chocolate cravings hit. Enjoy!! 🙂

Chocoholics Bundt Cake

  • 1 box chocolate fudge cake mix
  • 1 3 ounce package instant chocolate pudding mix
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 4 large eggs
  • 2 cups semi sweet chocolate chips
  • 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate
  • 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
  • 2-4 tablespoons heavy cream
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour a 12 cup bundt cake pan.
  2. Combine cake mix, pudding mix, sour cream, milk and eggs in a large bowl.
  3. Beat at low speed until combined then turn beater up to high and beat for about two minutes..
  4. Fold in the chocolate chips.
  5. Pour into the prepared pan and bake at 350 degrees for 55 to 65 minutes or until skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean.
  6. Cool in pan on wire rack for 15 minutes then turn out onto the rack to finish cooling.
  7. For the glaze, in a medium microwave safe bowl, combine the unsweetened chocolate, cream and butter. Microwave for one minute. Stir. Put back in microwave and cook until totally melted.
  8. Pour in the powdered sugar and whisk until blended. If too thick, add a little more cream. Too thin, add a touch more powdered sugar. Drizzle over cake.
  9. Eat, Moan in ecstasy.  Buy more fat girl pants and curse me yet one more time. Know that I amhere giggling…. as I look for my own fat girl pants.
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41 thoughts on “Sometimes It Just HAS To Be Chocolate

  1. Perfect item for when the craving hits! Pity the person that hates chocolate, they really have no concept. I have a concept though and my concept is that 2 slices of this will make the blues go away! This looks decadent and delicious-yum!

  2. I’m sure you know my family would make this disappear! I make a Kahlua cake from a cake mix and it’s really similar…and a family favorite. Happy birthday to Zachie, too~

  3. Looks really good Janet. I myself never turn my nose up at either chocolate of convenience. Limited Edition Turtles were at Costco before Christmas. No difference in taste, just a swanky tin.

  4. This looks delicious and I agree 100% with you – in regards to both the chocolate AND the convenience products! Sometimes a quick easy recipe is the only thing that will do, too!

  5. the cakes looks moist and amazingly rich in chocolate, tq for sharing the recipe janet and no… I’m not that 5 woman u pray about 😀
    I’m a chocoaholic and this just makes me want to go to my friedge and grap some dark bar! 😉

  6. Oh. Mon. Dieu. I was just casually browsing food blogs while eating breakfast. As soon as I saw this cake, I stopped in mid-bite and stared for literally an entire minute, haha! This looks and sounds so good! I am not one to turn my nose up at a cake mix, either. My cakes that I do for my business are actually mix-based! 😮 Wonderful post!

    • See? This is proof that next time you just need to make this cake and have it for breakfast. Then you don’t have to just stare 😀

  7. Although I don’t eat a massive amount of chocolate when I do I want something really good and this looks fantastic! As soon as I saw the pic my jaw dropped wishing I could cut myself a nice big wedge to have with my cup of tea! Delish! : )

  8. Pingback: Burning Down The Kitchen with From Cupcakes to Caviar while making her Coconut Caramel Cookie Bars | Cravings of a Lunatic

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