Daisy’s Noisette Potatoes (BLOGGER C.L.U.E.)


Hey there everyone! Time for another month of Blogger C.L.U.E. C’mon…. you remember. I am part of a secret society (does that sound mysterious and all Freemason-ish or what?) on facebook, where a group of food bloggers swap blogs each month and make a recipe related to a certain theme from one of the other group members. This month the theme was potatoes. Makes sense, right? March, St. Patricks Day, the Irish… all leads one to the humble spud, that root vegetable that has been responsible for saving lives many times in the hardscrabble pasts of many different countries. They had little else, but they had potatoes to eat.

It’s funny; we here in the states or most of the Westernized world actually, think of potatoes as looking just a few different way; Russet, baby, red, white and that’s about it. Some of us who are more into food know of a handful more types that are newer (at least to this part of the world) and enjoy using them, but did you know that, worldwide, there are more than 4000 different types of potatoes?! FOUR THOUSAND!

This month the blog I got assigned to was that of the lovely Christy, herself being the owner of the blog Confessions Of A Culinary Diva . Christy has so many delicious dishes, like this Cantonese Lobster With Coconut Ginger Rice or these utterly delicious sounding Blueberry Dutch Baby Pancakes . I have both of those totally bookmarked, but you know what? I don’t think Christy is a big fan of potatoes, lol. I had a heck of a time finding a potato recipe. She had, I believe, two. This, of course, is probably one reason Christy is so lovely…. unlike me, she stays away from the carbs :-p I, on the other hand, love my potatoes. But you know what Christy DOES love, same as I do? Downton Abbey. And one of the recipes she had for potatoes was for one called Daisys Noisette Potatoes. They were part of what she called “A Very Downton Dinner”, which I thought was so cool.

These are delicious! Little balls of potatoes (go buy a melon baller if you don’t have one) that are lightly sauteed in clarified butter (I admit to not worrying about the clarified part), then finished off in a hot oven to give them that final crispiness. When I joined BLOGGER C.L.U.E., one of the things that I was told was that we were supposed to keep the recipes pretty much as we found them and not turn them into something totally different. I did that with two small exceptions. I added some onion and garlic to these and sprinkled them with Fine Herbes. As much as I love potatoes, I am a huge flavor person. I’ve never been much on just salt and pepper and while I can completely see that being the case back in the day in England, I also like to think of Daisy trying to liven up her cooking a little by adding some flavor to plain potatoes

You know the drill…

Daisys Noisette Potatoes

  • 6 russet potatoes , scrubbed free of all dirt
  • 1/4 cup clarified butter (again, I didn’t do that part. I did however, add a touch of oil to the butter to increase the smoke point)
  • 1/2 cup thinly sliced onion (my addition; feel free to omit)
  • 1 clove of garlic, minced (my addition; feel free to omit)
  • 1 teaspoon Fine Herbes (an herb blend you can get at any large grocery store) (my addition; feel free to omit)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Use a melon baller to scoop out balls of potatoes. Put them in a bowl of cold water as you work, so they don’t turn brown while you’re scooping out the rest.
  3. Heat the butter in a large ovenproof pan. Add the potatoes, garlic and onion (don’t crowd, just do two batches if you need to) and cook for five minutes, stirring often.
  4. Transfer the pan to the 375 degree oven and bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until they are golden brown and tender, stirring often. Season with salt, pepper and fine herbes.

Make sure you go check out the other bloggers posts from this months Blogger Clue! These ladies are some amazing cooks!

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23 thoughts on “Daisy’s Noisette Potatoes (BLOGGER C.L.U.E.)

  1. Pingback: Potato and Celery Root Puree - Cooking On The Ranch

  2. I’ve actually had potatoes like this at a fancy schmancy restaurant and I remember feeling sorry for the poor sod who had to melon ball enough potatoes to feed the crowd that night! You make it sound so easy though that perhaps my sympathy was misplaced. Yours look delicious, Janet!

  3. Pingback: Smoked Salmon Chowder | Lemons and Anchovies

  4. Pingback: Christy Majors – #BloggerClueSociety: Basil Lime Gin Gimlet

  5. Pingback: Christy Majors – #BloggerClueSociety: Irish Old Fashioned Cocktail

  6. Pingback: Slow Cooker Beef and Guinness Pie for #BloggerCLUE

  7. Those potatoes look so good! I smiled when you said Christy had two potato recipes–I think it’s the same in my blog. We love them but we seem to go for rice and pasta more often. Will have to change that after seeing all the potato recipes this month! 🙂

  8. Pingback: Okie Peasant Potato Soup #BloggerCLUETaking On Magazines

  9. I can dive into that bowl right now and eat my way out. 🙂 Looks delicious! I really enjoyed having you as my assignment this month! You have a great collection of recipes! 🙂

  10. Oh man, this post brings back memories of culinary school for me. We had to master noisette potatoes – no flat edges, only round or they weren’t included. It was in our exam (classic technique). I think I’ve only made them once since…and it’s been well over a decade. You’ve made me want them again though, I just love their simple beauty.

  11. Pingback: Potato Bread Rolls

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